Jan 17, 2012


If I could wish for things like forever come about on best ways, I would like to have best places all over time.
I want a heavenly place for my days.
I want to stay in a place where the pleasure fountain does exist.
I want to stay in a place where I could find people I love.
I want to stay in a place where the authorities are not supposed about money.
I want to stay in a place where laughing can be simplified as well-mannered.
I want to stay in a place where everything is about singing and not shouting.
I want to stay in a place where everything seems so care about me.
I want to stay in a place where no one gets heartburning.
I want to stay in a place where act-dumb considered as the wisest thing to do.

I want it. I want it every time.
I'm so tired with a fake society that I face single day even couple days moreover couple weeks and couple years. This is just teach me how to be a perfect liar, pretender, or whatsoever which unaffordable to make my life better.

I'm trapped.

It's not a heavenly place.
Once it would be when some creatures are posing the same thoughts as mine. It's on us, best society ever.
Surrounded by rotten rules.
Welcomed by the smile of cheesy frontbencher.
Ruled by vicious leader.

We keep the smile.
We laugh til we drop.
We mock when we shouldn't have to.
We blabber as much girls.
We act like not care.
We adore the dumbest.
We spit the smartest.
And....we grow together.
I love you, class. It's you. All.

Pleasure seeker,
Afi Wiyono
Haya/Afi| 2008-2022