Sep 4, 2017

The Love Happens

In the past few weeks, I witnessed the bonds I am having with the people surround me. The invisible bonds somehow appeared to be a thick borderline. Merely visible yet it is happened to be there.

Despite the un-maintained relationships for the sake of business each of us has been having, the so called tide remains the same. Tight, but light. I surely in the need of mass gratitude for having friends whom do not need a backbreaking effort to keep the friendship up. Cheesy it is when we try to prove. Thank you for the so called perpisahan kecil-kecilan, teman-temanku, Sayang:)


Congratulations to the undergraduate survivors! All the members of Istighfar group, Divisi Ngemis Bukber group, and Hotel California group!! So happy to witness them all cheering and wearing a beautiful outfit for a day. Thank me already for bringing Teh Kotak because of course I knew wisudawan-wisudawati were thirsty as fun after being in thirst toward achievements, thesis, and stuffs. Lol.

Semoga ilmunya selalu mengantarkan pada kebaikan yang lebih masif dan hatinya selalu tenang karena ilmunya membawa keberkahan. Cheers! Tinggal saya yang belum sarjana hehe.

Anyway, this is the last night for me sleeping with my mom for the next 5 months apart. God, I am in the state of happy-sad feeling. But I do believe, rahmat Allah ada dimana-mana bukan?

Selamat mencari cinta-Nya yang bertebaran, Afi. Selamat menyaksikan bahwa Tuhanmu memang Mahapengasih, Mahapenyayang, dan Mahaagung. Karena kebesaran-Nya tak berbatas ruang dan waktu. Ah, bismillah.

Yang tetap berharap cinta-Nya dimana pun ia menjelajah,
Afi Wiyono.
Haya/Afi| 2008-2022