Aug 1, 2013

Cause I don't feel like you do know much about what I've been wishing for, yea?

If you ever considered how I feel toward my college thingy; here it is, I do bloody glad tho bloody seems to be a wrong word.
It is not sounding as an extremist who really happy for what she's been waiting, it is more into a deep feeling (when I say 'deep' it really was that 'deep', in case you tend to know) really deep, deep, deep, deep, and that deep down inside. I do scream. I barely can control my emotions.

Did I ever tell you how I really wanted to be a Doctor? Oh right, I had told you how much I confused, how I didn't (or don't) like those standing in line, waiting to be called in case getting some examinations by the doctors. Haven't known yet? See my post "Ruang Tunggu". I had chosen Fakultas Kedokteran for my major on SBMPTN that time and I got slapped by the post "Personal Quiz" which I wrote when I was in junior high. I've always wanted to be a person who has an expertise on Teknologi Pangan. I wrote it as my dream since ever I knew there is a major called the same I just mentioned.

I've always wanted to be an entrepreneur. I've always wanted to be an 'even-steven' creature.
I've always wanted to be useful.
I've always wanted to be a great mother.
Did I ever mentioned that? No? Oh yeah, you skipped all the posts referring the path I've always wanted to be streamed.

And I've got the answer. This is a real happiness and it stays deep deep deep deep deep deep down inside. I am almost there everybodeeeh, I am on my way going on everything I've ever wished for. How could you say I am less than my destinations? I am going there everybodeeeeh.

Don't be too tired of thinking of how my feeling is, none of your business, exactly. But you do care, don't you?
Thank you, by the way. Wish me luck!

P.s I know my english is getting worse worse and worse. Don't you think?
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