Aug 4, 2014

Man's Search for Meaning

I am done reading this book until the last chapter.
Dewe sent me this book from Holland, that was a very kind of him. What so funny was this book got my home late cause he wrote a wrong postal code yet the address attached unclear. He got home earlier than this book. But still, thanks!

Saya tahu tentang buku ini dari twit Huffington Post. Suatu hari ada artikel tentang Viktor E Frankl, si penulis yang ternyata adalah seorang logotherapist yang mengenyam rasa kepahitan di kamp konsentrasi. Viktor, sebagaimana diceritakan, sebenarnya memiliki pilihan untuk melanjutkan studinya di Wina. Yet the humanity, that humany was not letting him go. Dia memilih untuk ikut kamp dan dari pilihan itulah, postulat kehidupannya berkembang.

Ini kisah nyata. Seburuk-buruknya kehidupan, sebutlah saat semua kondisi seakan menantang balik keinginan, mengguncang diri seseorang sampai ke bagian paling fundamental. Di saat tak ada lagi yang lebih indah dari penderitaan dan siksaan, manusia dihadapkan untuk memaknai kembali keberadaan dirinya di dunia ini. That is why it is called as Man's Search for Meaning.

Saya tergugah untuk membaca kisah Viktor yang selalu memunculkan ide tentang kebahagiaan dalam masa bertahan hidup. The camp should have killed anyone, but the facts shown, not. Adalah pandangan, harapan, dan tuntutan kita kepada hidup yang membuat seseorang bertahan. I am sure, for those who likely think rationally and much less feel secured by the power of prayers would be teasing a lot since then.

Ini bukan tulisan a la golden ways kok. But you sure can scold things up. As I ever told, saya bukan optimistis, saya hanya sedikit penggembira. 

I considered happiness and ones' life
 worth learning are the most notable talks between me and Dewe. It just is, I don't know why. It oftenly happens. Dewe bilang, buku ini ada di rak kategori evergreen book di sebuah toko buku, well never heard that before.

It is an affirmative book. It is worth reading. The real version was written in German. Mine is an English version. Thank God the phrases are easily understood or maybe I finally up to par to read such books lol, pardon the snobbish me.

I soon am going to pick the lines up because there are so much worth quoting, really. This book is genuinely a psychological book which is of course none of my whiny. Probably it sounds too slight, that I am concern about psychology. Yes, you bet no. It is okay. 

Rightly to say, it brings horizons to my life indeed. Thanks!

Afi Wiyono

p.s I told my dad that I want to enroll German courses and he said 'yes, what about Arabic?', okay.
Haya/Afi| 2008-2022